Ben 2015 Full Movie Overview
The film, which revolves around the story of a 10-year-old boy named Ben, played by Gaurav Menon, shows how adults address major issues of our society confronting children. The film also has Suraj Venjaramoodu (as Ben's father Justin), Anjali Upasana (as Ben's mother Asha) and Nila Noushad. A major highlight of the film is the acting debut of Biju Menon's "Vellimoonga" director Jibu Jacob, who is seen as Suraj's brother. Produced by Sajan K. George under the banner of Vibgyor films, the cinematography has been done by Hari Nair. Vipin has handled the scripting as well as penned the lyrics, composed music and the background score for the film.
The movie Ben 2015 is an Drama movie starling Gourav Menon
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Anjali Aneesh Upasana
Anwar Shereef
Aju Varghese
Rajesh Sharma
Adish Praveen
Valsala Menon
. The movie Ben was released on 2015-11-06 . You can watch Ben full movie online in HD on jais entertainment for free. Download Ben 2015 ( tamilrockers ) ( movierulz ) ( 123movies ) ( jais entertainment ) movie in HD for free. The movie Ben 2015 is a great movie.
Gourav Menon
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Anjali Aneesh Upasana
Anwar Shereef
Aju Varghese
Rajesh Sharma
Adish Praveen
Valsala Menon
Release Date:     
Run Time:     
110 min