Fuel 2008 Full Movie Overview
Fuel is the story of a young man's struggle to save his girl from an abusive environment. Emilio discovers that he has the ability to run incredibly fast. With the hope of a scholarship, he sees an opportunity to be able to leave his hometown, along with all his troubles, and take Sandy with him. But a tragic flaw, a violent streak he possesses, induced by exposure to gasoline vapors, will all but destroy his best-laid plans. Emilio's hopes race through his heart, not like blood, but like fuel.
The movie Fuel 2008 is an English Drama movie starling Marcia Ann Burrs
Will Beinbrink
Kerris Dorsey
Briana Feehan
Hunter Clary
Michael Esparza
Brian Bogulski
. The movie Fuel was released on 2009-01-01 . You can watch Fuel full movie online in HD on jais entertainment for free. Download Fuel 2008 ( tamilrockers ) ( movierulz ) ( 123movies ) ( jais entertainment ) movie in HD for free. The movie Fuel 2008 is a great English movie.
Marcia Ann Burrs
Will Beinbrink
Kerris Dorsey
Briana Feehan
Hunter Clary
Michael Esparza
Brian Bogulski
Release Date:     
Run Time:     
95 min